Damn good call with "Lies":
Damn good call with "Lies":
Ditto "Police On My Back."
( N-n-n-n-n-nineteen! )
Shut up, Lutz!
Um, "DEPPCON π"…?
Did you Double-Depp…?
Hey! I'm Charles Oakley!
Would you say he's at DEPPCON 5…?
He's the Phil Jackson of acting!
To be fair, all those scarves really do cut off blood flow to the brain…
Eventually, we all are.
Oh. boo.
Alternate Article Title:
It's been all downhill for them ever since Ed Murrow.
"Senator, what's your favorite verse…?"
Get your damn hands off my rear end quote!
One novella for Fidel here… and I'll take an Orange Whip.
Orange Whip?
Orange Whip?