"CSI: Bethlehem"
Actually, I quoted from the Book of Stechel:
Case closed, meeting adjourned!
[ * GAVEL SLAM! * ]
Good lad, Mikey — I just posted the same thing.
I called my senator in Washington today, told him* how thoroughly against the proposed AHCA I am.
I was polite, detailed, and… because this Senator is a Republican… I even concluded with a Bible verse.
If anyone wants to do likewise (… and you should), here's a link with the numbers to call:
"Fuller Brushes", my ass!
In that First Round "Double Letter" category, for the "Part of a sentence that signifies a pause"-query (I'm paraphrasing), would they have also accepted:
"What is an ellipsis…?"
When Lisa cackled/gasped at finding DD3, Matt looked like he wanted to throttle her.
I think Lisa really stressed over everything.
Also, JC Penny.
"…Or it's also possible he owns, like, a third, and just netted $233 million in cash…"
"Let he who is without sin cast the first shot."
"Nothing can destroy the Doctor!"
Also, "stinky"…
( Jesus, did you go to Taco Bell again? )
Not small… just petty.
I'll always remember the radio ads for that:
Rob Schneider's comeback!