Core Concept

PACKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I'm gonna sink this bitch!"
—maybe Servo, as the smug captain of the Titanic, 2nd Annual Summer Blockbuster Review, "Titanic"

Next stop, The White House.

Shut up, Spongebob!

(( Fleshlight sold separately. ))

You'd think they could just buy her a damn wig already…

TORCHA !!!!!!!!!!!

That was my next question…

On the plus side, now he can buy himself that tie.

My pop had a crush on Julie.



Tonight on "The Love Boat":

Congrats to Wendy… whoever the heck she is.

I was also quite bummed about Ossoff… but this tweet provided a silver lining to the evening:

That list is a 70's/80's TV fan's wet dream.

I kind of want Britta's "Me So Christmas!" tree costume from that Glee-episode…


(( Phrasing! ))