
Thank you - I was trying to figure out why I was so emotionally affected by that episode, and it wasn't the John Huges/ 'teen movie' homages. It was totally FLCL.

Goddamnit, I had to scroll all the way up and log in and scroll all the way back down just for your upvote.

The Usos were surprisingly over with the crowd I though, but yeah pushing AA for sure. The only problem is who do you set them up against for the eventual title when they are already kicking the shit out of all the heel teams at once?

You're completely right. I'm not even that big a Cesaro mark, just got wrapped up in the pointlessness of the ending.

She needs to get back in the suit.

Well, it was a fun couple weeks being optimistic I guess.

Here's the match that got me hooked on LU: https://www.youtube.com/wat… . I can't recommend it enough, although without El Ray it is hard to watch legally (and therefor support, which is important), but I believe episodes are on iTunes.

This is correct.

With the obvious caveat that a list like this will never match up to my own opinions, WHERE IS ORANGE COUNTY.

I'm with you on this, I was unaware of the negative connotations of shitkicker. Maybe it's a regional thing. To my mind, a shitkicker is one who kicks the shit out of stuff.

Was it the bananas… or guilt over eating the bananas despite instructions to the contrary?

Ibn Battuta for the win!

Yes and no. The ISI has always double dealed, but mainly to maintain the IRL Haqqani network for use in the Kashmir proxy war with India. It's a pretty unique situation. And they have never given carte blanche to terror groups within places like Islamabad, and certainly would be more careful about allowing attacks

Saxons (and Britons before them) didn't fight on horseback, man. Their ponies were crappy little things. Granted, a bunch of huscarls with battle axes wouldn't look much different from the Vikings.

Maybe he ends up walking, to some degree? It would make it more "fated," I guess.

Yeah, and on that note I seriously doubt the (possibly) historical Aslaug walked around telling people her father was a legendary figure from four hundred years prior. We can thank Snorri for that.

Well, some of them (presumably those Borg brought with him) were burned in the barn. Who knows how long news of that would take to travel back, given that none of his men seemed to escape.

I don't disagree, but I think at this point even Christian kings in England and the continent had to rule through force. They were by necessity itinerant - constantly moving to remind the vassals who was in charge, crowned through church ritual, and wielded little direct power outside their personal holdings. The

Yeah, it seems like the showrunners didn't want to hire a bunch of extras to play Horrick's men. I mean, he's seems all alone in Ragnar's camp. It would be nice if the show gave us a good reason why Ragnar kowtows to him so much, beyond being told he's a "king."

Don't forget old Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye.