Durf Bunner

exactly! for most of these kickstarters, the goal really should be "jumbo box of ramen and some iced tea", but since most gamers aren't aware of this and the hype $$$$s are being thrown around like crazy, nobody wants to even get out of bed for less than $60k-100k. Its ridiculous! They expect to quit their jobs and

for those (and many others really) i can completely understand. they are big productions that have big budget operating expenses and are by proven developers, so you know the quality level is going to be there. kickstarter funding then helps an already good game become BETTER, and if you are a fan throwing some cash

I work in the indie game "industry" and the state of kickstarter funding for that is an absolute embarrassment. the sad fact is that these people grossly inflate their "estimated costs" to an absurd level, and yet often enough MAKE their goals which perpetuates another cycle of delusional C-level devs doing the same..

Spiny Creature, nudity accountant.


it should make his downfall all the more brutal though. can you imagine how hard people will take him strangling shae after all this white knight stuff?

i distinctly got the impression that Tyrion was more than game IF Sansa was. he seemed extremely hurt and heartbroken at the "and if i never want?" such a great scene.

i agree. the tyrion wedding throwdown alone made this one of my favorite episodes.

i hated it initially, but he totally sold for me it in that bathtub scene. i imagine he could wind up being as swarthy as in the books. remember, we see most of "him" from Dany's sex fantasy perspective, so it would take a little while for that dynamic to develop on screen.

usually i agree with the reviews, but this episode was absolutely fantastic television. I know im quibbling about a B versus an A, but to me this episode was everything right about game of thrones. much like last week, they took a setup episode with little action and completely knocked it out of the park with

i agree. the ending (i think quite intentionally) sets a sort of clean slate along this new timeline: some of cataclysmic elements of the first film is resolved, the ideals of starfleet are back in alignment, there is an appreciable bond in the crew, and now they are off on their 5 year mission into deep space. Sounds

this may be a stretch, but my impression was that Carol Marcus is in the film to further highlight the different path that the universe has taken since the destruction of the USS Kelvin and Vulcan.

i thought there was some pretty impressive cannon integration in this movie. it took elements and references from every series and deftly packaged them into a cohesive world. it did this far better than any other Trek movie in my opinion. perhaps thats the "winking fan-service" that some critics are talking about,

i think this was the episode that really cemented "elementary > sherlock" for me. especially considering some of the heavy handed stuff of the first few episodes, the direction and acting has become pretty impressive. whereas sherlock started out extremely strong (basically nitro-fueled by Cumberbatch) then spun out

agreed. im of two minds about it, because on one hand martin can clearly write a taught, compelling story as is evidenced by the first book.

the 2 biggest cocks in westeros

I thought it was going to be Qybern and was scared. *shudders*

i called it "electronica" because its the sort of thing that bares no resemblance to any actual electronic music genres, and only exists in B level TV shows with vague sci-fi or "hacker" elements.

goddamn, dance is 70?? im healthy in my mid 20s and he could destroy me with a single withering stare.

i think i get what youre insinuating