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    You forget: Sisko remembers being a 1950's Science Fiction author, which probably gives him a slightly more critical view of the era.

    Does Samuel L. Jackson ever turn down a role???

    I remember liking Nyssa, but I honestly don't remember her actually doing anything (beyond losing most of her clothes in her last episode):  Considering she was on the show for two seasons, this is quite remarkable.

    However creepy it may be, Barbara is probably his best bet for a 'normal' (by costume vigilante standards at least) relationship.

    Sad to see him go, but the timing is about right:  Numbers 1, 2, 5, 7, and 10 all left after about three series, so it's fairly traditional.

    Pretty much done just to make Indy single.  Also, to explain why he was out risking his neck in China when he'd already brought home a biblical artifact of great power:  Honestly, you follow up recovering the Ark by trading for the remains of an Emperor in a Chinese nightclub?

    @avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus :  I think Vastra and Jenny are just very good at keeping their personal and professional lives separate.  Then again, it might be that Jenny feels the need to stay 'in character' at all times to avoid giving their true relationship away (given Victorian values, their

    While it seems feasible to have McGann involved, I don't know if it is really called for:  Heck, Peter Cushing has more screentime as the Doctor than McGann (albeit presumably non-canonical).  I'm been assuming they're going to focus on the actors from this millenium, but if they can't get 9 back, they could put 8 in

    I presume the Silence was not trying to destroy the universe as that is a bit pointless (save the universe by destroying it before the Doctor can?).  Of course, they are described as a religious sect, so all bets are off.

    The show seems a bit erratic on a universe without the Doctor:  Amy and Rory's wedding seemed to indicate that life would go on normally if he had never been born, while the previous season's 'Turn Left' indicated that England and the rest of the world would be a complete mess if he had drowned a few seasons earlier.

    My interpretation is:
    —The various incarnations of Clara don't have her full memories, but the 'run' line seems to be retained along with other personality traits (presumably because it was first and foremost in her mind when she jumped into the scar).

    @avclub-39df51c015ce671b473b8cf5a306d217:disqus  - Yeah, that interview is pretty much what I'm expecting:  It's hard to believe there can be anything the Doctor is more ashamed of than his double-genocide, and they could slip another incarnation in there fairly easily (Tennant's 'half a dozen' regenerations since he

    Stanley was for Lyekka's presence for three reasons:
    1) She was literally the girl of his dreams (her body was a copy of a girl he once lusted after).
    2) She liked the crew and showed no inclination to hurt or eat any of them, nor did she show any indications she would lose control of herself.  Basically, she was less

    I got the impression from Trigun that the term 'Plant' was more along the lines of 'Nuclear Power Plant' then 'Uses Photosynthesis To Create Oxygen Plant'.  Of course, I was watching the English translation, so the original Japanese might have had a different connotation.

    I think there may be a little more to it than that:  Everyone seems to forget that River's mother grew up with a 'crack in the universe' in her bedroom wall, making her special.  Apparently, special mother + Time Vortex Conception + Silence genetic engineering = River.