Random Acts of Constanza

I was in the pool! I was in the pool!

This Arby’s is good.

They're selling coffee, bran muffins.. you're surrounded by reading material. It's entrapment!


We could be like the Gatsby's. Didn't they always like, you know, a bunch of people around, and they were all best friends?

Yes! 860,000. I can't believe it's still standing. No one has beaten me in like 10 years.

Jerry … Where are you? I know you like to sit back here. Elaine! Susan!

My father had a car salesman buddy. He was gonna fix him up real nice. Next thing I know, I’m gettin’ dropped off in a Le Car with a fabric sunroof. All the kids are shoutin’ at me, "Hey, Le George! Bonjour, Le George! Let’s stuff Le George in Le Locker!"

Guys, hitting is not about muscle. It's simple physics. Calculate the velocity, v, in relation to the trajectory, t, in which g, gravity, of course remains a constant.

What a succinct story.

You know, we're living in a society! We're supposed to act in a civilized way.