
At the very least, her (preemptive) reason for breaking up with Toby made me think she got off on the drama.

At the very least, her (preemptive) reason for breaking up with Toby made me think she got off on the drama.

Heh. They also drop any articles they can (the, a), supposedly to give it the cadence/syntax of Latin.

Ah, the old [SPOILERS for the animated short] "let them think they escaped" trick. Nice. Cool cobra-like sentient being.

"Soup 2: The Broth of SBT"

One less bullet is now homeless!

LOL at the richard dawkins agnosticism!

Maybe an Alias-like pink wig every once in a while wouldn't hurt. I'm asking for a friend.

With novels, I keep wishing that there was something in between the bestsellers list (with books that get buoyed artificially by virtue of being the newest shiny thing) and the stone-cold classics. For example, a list of the best [genre] books of the last five years, say. It's possible to approximate this by going

The show *is* conspicuously devoid of the usual CW Neutrogena brigade. Alex's old frenemy (when they were both recruits) was the most useless of all. And the male one wasn't much better. Glad to have that whole thing behind us, the trainees.

Man are YOLO users going to feel silly once they reincarnate! 

Neither does Sepinwall.

"teams' members"?

The first time I tried to pronounce "brazier" it didn't go well.

Polly Walker (of "Rome" and "Caprica") bears a certain resemblance to Melinda Clarke, too. I think the After Elton reviews referred to her, instead of as Atia of the Julii, as "Julii Cooper." Hee!

@avclub-ec581d0fa82907dc6f58d1e70bf346b0:disqus : Surely there exists in the world a geeky "Yo mama so fat" joke based on traveling at light speed.

I hope someone in the world has as their first name the word "Revenge." It would keep the tv tropes people busy for months, untangling its usage!

In this most recent episode she was, I kid you not, useless and whiny. (But it was a pretty great episode overall.) Milking the Giant Cow is amazing!

"Albeit" has it much rougher. It starts looking German!

On the most recent episode of "Nikita," Melinda Clarke (Amanda; Julie Cooper on "The O.C.: Don't Call It That, Bitch!") pretty much shook her fist at the sky and spat out the name of the foe who, she has just realized, had foiled her. ("Birkhoff!!") The line delivery was amazing. It was kind of a Seinfeldian "Newman!"