The Propagandist

PBS etc
I remember watching, and enjoying, Manor House when it came out a few years ago; it made me want to see more of of PBS's throw-a-bunch-of-modern-people-into-a-historical-setting miniseries.

that chicken cover
. . . makes me think of Werner Herzog.

on the subject of pretentious celebrity quotes
A few years ago there was some blurb in Vanity Fair asking various celebrities about their favorite books and such. Naturally a thing like that is going to be a magnet for pretension, but one quote really stuck in my mind. It was from Conor Oberst; he ended his quote

tolstoy + ethan = bff!!!1
It's not that he happens to like a certain novel, it's the rather obnoxious manner in which he expressed it.

I attend a college full of hipsters and I've never heard the word used in this manner before reading today's Hater. Please reassure me that this does not actually go on in the world.

This isn't the first movie to feature big horse cocks. Kinski Paganini (am I the only one who's seen this?) has an early scene in which a woman in a carriage starts masturbating to a picture of Paganini (played by Klaus Kinski, who also wrote, directed, and edited this film, which explains a lot), and outside

"Strange men. . . Greek men . . ."
"Basketball players . . . with nipple rings . . . I'd fulfill my sexual desires . . ."

the term "forgotten woman"
. . . Makes me think of a respectable Victorian lady who gets ravished and "ruined" by some foul rake and dies in childbirth at a home for unwed mothers. Am I alone in this?