
Thanks for informing us.

Want to cite a Coates work as proof-positive of your assertions as well?

Wow you read one book. You are clearly a scholar on the subject. Let me guess: you watched 13 on Netflix as well!

No, it did not. It literally lead to the rise of Hitler.

Yes redistributionist punishments generally work out well. Just look at Germany after the Treaty of Versailles. That led to good things.

" imagining an America where black people are still slaves is really only an exaggerated deviation from the present" Yeah you're really in touch with reality.

Since he's bald maybe she'll accuse him of being a skinhead? at least this time she might more correct.

Were the ratings bad? I don't even understand why they'd cancel.

Yep. No need to ever check in on it.

Alt-Title: Hobbit calls others grub worms.


I can't wait for this Tolkien adaptation!

He's trying to deport a US Citizen? Smells like b.s.

Nice hackery, A.V. Club

If you look into how the horses are sourced for slaughter, as well as their method of being slaughtered from transportation to actual slaughter, you'd might change your mind.

I have no problem with it except horses aren't raised for consumption in general. If there were horse farms, like there are for cows and pigs, where the animals are raised to be killed for their meat—no problem.

Yeah there's a good reason you probably don't want to eat horse meat especially if the horses came from America. Most of the slaughterhouses get their horses from kill auctions. A lot of the horses at these auctions are former racing horses pumped full of various drugs throughout their career. I can't imagine how this

AA make up roughly 12% of the US population yet almost always in the main cast of a film. Why is that? If we are truly aiming for diverse voices, we should have many different ones than are seen now.

"A couple black folks won’t hurt next year either." How about some Asians or Hispanics?

Wow, such obscurity.