
GRRM is very admirable. It's inspirational to see that not-so-bright people can become incredibly successful. I suppose him and Trump have that in common.

The obvious joke was Littlefinger[s]

Aunt Linsday never met a country he didn't want to bomb.

Spoken like a true root man.

Not sure why GWB is blamed here. No Child Left Behind was sponsored by Liberal Icon Ted Kennedy. Presidents don't pass legislation, they sign or reject (veto) it. I guess it makes for a better headline to blame OG Literal Hitler though.

Old Man Yells at Bombs

Knope is not the best character on P&R.

And he was the token liberal…

That's what I said.

Jared, the guy that fox.

Man my parents are going to be distraught (I assume).

Where the fuck is Produce Pete?

Why would you ruin a perfectly good tweet rollup by throwing in Kurt Eichenwald?

I mean, look at all of the bills that are getting passed in congress. His three travel bans haven't all been struck down in court. The guy is a downright tyrant!

I like the certitude in which the story knows it was Melania Trump herself that clicked like. It's not as if she has assistants or people that would monitor such things.

Low-key Ron Swansoning?

Sounds like a Must-Miss!