Jet Bumpers at Maximum

Don't go on the patio!


You can lead a horse to a sex worker, but you can't make him … um … what's the word I'm looking for?



"So long, Stink Town!"

Mostly circus animals, some filler.

How about "The Six Bunny Wunnies Freak Out"?

To the Atavachron!

Well, he was in the "Area."

"Area Man Assaulted By Congressional Candidate"

Store credit only.

Mr. Spicer, will you stand up, please.

Do you pop out at parties? Are you unpoopular?

Chicken necks?

Wasn't this show on Fox after "No Pants Island"?

These aren't the suitcases you're looking for.

Can't talk. Eating.

Man, I love me some Silver Age Lois Lane! I think I've collected just about every issue — one day I made a stack of the issues with covers that referenced Lois trying to trick/trap/entice Superman into marrying her, and it was at least two-thirds of the total run.

Gee, I don't know what you've got planned for tonight Mr. Literal, but count me out.