Subterranean Zombie Plague Blu

Then by all means we should have a new Academy category for "Best Stand-in for a Ping Pong Ball".

In motion capture very little of the actor's performance data is retained - oftentimes the data is useless or unuseable.  One has only to look at the pictures and the reels of Serkis' work in Rise of the Planet of the Apes to see how much more work the animators did to realize the performance, essentially creating

Apparently, one should attempt to prevent Kanye from entering his zone.  This, evidently, is a pursuit we should all engage in.

Word of advice:  don't suggest to the parole officer that he may have been sexually abused as a child.

Just did a cursory read through of Bulfinch's mythology, it doesn't say SHIT about Perseus rockin' the Joe Dirt.

Ah, squeaky sharpie sound effect.  Is there any scene you can't make funny?

Seeing the Muppets being nominated for so many songs makes me slightly hopeful that they'll get nominated by the Academy, as well.  And then he can be the "Academy Award Winner Bret McKenzie".

Does anyone else hate the fact that you can't like liking things because everyone else's indifference is making the things that you like go away while the things you hate (which someone, somewhere improbably loves) keep happening?

An oversight I shall remedy shortly!

Time to go buy every album The Roots have made, ever.

The guy who voiced Ambush Bug in DC Universe Online did a much better job than this guy.  Shoulda got him.

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that becoming a conservative crazy person calling out for liberal blood is just a marketing ploy.  "Liberals suck.  Buy my book!"

Did anyone else find it hilarious to see the Metallica guys working SOOO HARD to be metal, while Lou kind of vaguely mumbles and barely strums his guitar?

I don't agree that just because someone doesn't love a show that they shouldn't review the show.  By that extension, why the fuck is anyone reviewing "Whitney" and "2 Broke Girls" at all?  No one likes those shows.

We did get two "you know THAT'S right"s in this episode.  Perhaps they're trying to make up for the complete LACK of "I'm Shawn Spencer, and this is my partner, …."s thus far.

"I know…you know."

We didn't get a Gus pseudonym, but we *did* get a "you know that's right".

Yeah, review this damned thing.  It's fun and breezy, and it doesn't star Breckin fucking Meyer.

I'm Shawn Spencer, and this is my partner, Jazz Hands.

Even though those two bands are nothing even remotely alike?