I'm remaining optimistic, but I really don't see how the show works without Troy. The Troy and Abed relationship is the best thing about the show imo.
I'm remaining optimistic, but I really don't see how the show works without Troy. The Troy and Abed relationship is the best thing about the show imo.
Maybe a little.
I missed the Sam Elliott interview the other day, so I just want to say here that the man is a national treasure. No homo, but between the mustache and the voice, he's got to be about the manliest dude in Hollywood.
A big NO to Terence Malick. I don't need one of my favorite novels turned into 3 hours of swaying grass and whispery voice overs. Herzog could work though.
"Is this a joke or just painfully pretentious?"
Did dinosaurs even have penises? Not cloaca or something like that?
OTOH maybe the publicity will lead more people to seek out the original. I'm sure the DVDs have optional Spanish subtitles.
Yeah ask a guy from Mexico what he thinks of Guatemalans.
I think he means its better than being a middle aged Mexican meth producer.
I can't wait for the Indian remake. The big song and dance numbers about dissolving gangsters in bathtubs are going to be beautiful.
Why is it in English? Presumably the show will be in Spanish.
"Fly" is definitely the worst, but you can't really go wrong with old Lenny.
Or anything, but here we are.
@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus He was never cool.
I can't find any evidence of it at the moment, but I seem to remember an ad for Lost Highway that included a bunch of bad reviews, including a Siskel and Ebert Two Thumbs Down
Anyway, you know what word CAN be used as a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb? "fast". Still not a preposition, though.
@avclub-d116ae13554d47530ed800aef8ed5755:disqus "fucking" is not the same word as "fuck"
No joke, when I was around 11 a gas main near my house blew up and my neighborhood got evacuated. A news crew showed up at the church where all the evacuees were staying and the reporter was wearing a suit jacket and tie with a pair of bermuda shorts and flip flops.
I don't think it can be used as an adverb or preposition. At least not without sacrificing coherence.
"Let's fuck! I'll fuck anything that MOVES!"