Bartleby the Scrivener1853

I will say this episode worked as far as suspense goes simply because I was convinced that the Governor could murder those people at any given moment. Kudos to Morissey for never letting us know what his character is thinking.

Even though she needs to answer for Roger, you got to admit what happened to Gillian was pretty messed up. To have that kind of hope for a new life given to you and then snatched away is beyond cruel. And I guess Pinkertons aren't concerned with the ethics of sleeping with the subject of your investigation.

I think he understood just how horrible her life had been, so yeah, I saw that as regret due to sympathy, but in the end she is a murderer.

He seems pretty Bible literate (at least inasmuch as the Devil can quote scripture for his own purposes), so I'd guess he has a doctorate in theology or a related field, kind of like how Martin Luther King Jr. is called Dr. King for his.

Mickey Doyle is based on Mickey Duffy, who doesn't die until 1931 in real life. So I guess it depends on how much they want to follow history. The real Commodore died of natural causes in 1934, so they've deviated before with these not-quite historical characters.

Strangely, that reminded me of Hans Landa, the Jew Hunter from Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds.

I like that Rothstein has found a way to get back at that broker who ripped him off. And I think that that deal with Margaret is a smart one.

I'm sure he's been watching all season with us and thinking "I lost a war to these idiots?"

Morrissey was great in the role, especially before he lost the eye. But his character suffered from overexposure. Also being frequently paired with obnoxious Andrea didn't help either.

He switched the tube with a clean one.

That could be it, I was just surprised to see Richard in that apron taking out the garbage instead of on the balcony of the Albatross with his Enfield.

Richard was Jimmy's right hand man and they both did business with Chalky. Richard isn't exactly someone you'd forget meeting.

So Richard's a dishwasher? How exactly did that job interview with Nucky go?

Nucky has a casual racism to him that was common at the time. Recall last season after he had his concussion that he confused Chalky for the shoe-shine guy and asked him why he was acting so uppity.

"The Libyans send their regards."

I think both Maybelle and his son Lester have rebellious streaks in them that are a reflection of their admiration for their father.

Yeah, the idea that Julia would even be considered for guardianship, let alone granted it for X amount of months, is pretty absurd.

IIRC, she met Jimmy at Princeton while she worked as a waitress and lived with an aunt, which might imply she didn't have much family to begin with.

That's been known to happen. See crazy Irish lady and those two guys from Philly.

Man, phone sex really sucked back in the 1920s. But at least Patricia Arquette and her boobs get paid this week.