
I wonder if pouring tar or something else flammable into the pit and setting it on fire could have worked. Trying to kill them all trapped in there seems more safe than setting them loose…


Well. This sucked.

Guess we should've known last week that Farrell was still alive during the 'next week on' snippet where the Lieutenant mentioned his officer getting shot rather than getting killed.

This was alright. Just give me more drunk Colin Farrell being a violent arsehole and I'll pretend the first season was a completely different show, and I'll be fine

Well, I had low expectations. And they were sort of met.

RIP Whiny Tyreese.

Maybe my complete lack of expectations is affecting my judgement, but I thoroughly enjoyed that.


Damnit, I've tolerated this for a while, but I've finally had enough of Mopey-whine-Tyreese-face when he opened that church room door.

Noooo not Mickey!

I'm unreasonably happy with the fact that just shooting at the gas tanks didn't blow everything up, she actually had to launch a firework into it after shooting it to set it off.

That was a ridiculously ham-handed way to deal with the Dark Passenger bullshit.

That was a ridiculously ham-handed way to deal with the Dark Passenger bullshit.

Sirko, a barbarian? I think not!

Sirko, a barbarian? I think not!

It's like they executed last season's writers and brought in Homeland's team or something.

It's like they executed last season's writers and brought in Homeland's team or something.

Wait…Quinn on Dexter is supposed to be likable?

Wait…Quinn on Dexter is supposed to be likable?