Gorilla My Dreams

"…I hit the sack"

Nah the stones should have kicked it after Goat's Head Soup. Not that it was such a masterpiece but it would have been a crime against humanity if they left us hanging after Exile, so I'd have let 'em stay alive for Goats Head Soup just to assure us that they woulda eventually petered out. But anything that would

Fine, I'll start a 'Stones thread…
If only Mick and Keith had died in a fiery car accident in 1973, and the lowest low point in their career was the relatively-decent Satanic Majesty's Request…

@S. Jerusalem: From what I heard the Sopranos was originally intended to be a 4-season show, but HBO begged and pleaded with David Chase to just keep it going a little longer and a little longer… I think the 5th season is actually pretty solid, and the first part of the second season has some moments but holy shit is

Yeah, that definitely has occurred to me, obviously Taran = Frodo, Gurgi = Gollum, and Gwydion = Aragorn. There is some nice character development though, with Taran Wanderer almost being like a Lost flashback, totally centered on Taran with most of the other characters totally absent. I couldn't get into that one so

Fuck yeah Chronicles of Prydain
I got into those books hardcore in elementary school, but I was just a little too late to see the Disney movie that flopped hard and supposedly almost killed Disney animation. This sparked a lifelong quest to track it down, which lead to a fairly large disappointment when it finally

Quick summary of everything Jin and Sun have said so far this season:

I'll take a stab:

Not only should Kevin Smith stick to directing stuff he writes, he should stick to writing stuff he writes well. He's great at writing dialogue amongst snarky slacker dudes, not so much when it comes to writing dialogue for their female counterparts or whipping out third-act saccharine sweetness. I know, movies are

Even more unbelievable, the original run at Disney world went until fucking 1997. 1997! Look at pictures of Jackson from 1997 sometime, he didn't look remotely similar to the dude in that movie.

Yeah, Billy Corgan just seems completely incapable of evaluating his own work. In addition to the fact that Pisces Iscariot would be more than adequate as a proper album, there's the whole Mellon Collie/Aeroplane Flies High business… Seriously, I wonder how he chose which songs to put on the album(s) and which to keep

I haven't heard the album it's on all the way through, but the b-side "Beat My Guest" is easily the best Adam and the Ants song, way better than most of the singles (especially "Prince Charming")!

"What We Need Is More Humidity" - Duracraft Natural Warm Moisture Humidifier, Model DH-901

Can't Find it!!!
Dammit! There was some article to the effect of "Area Man Gives Up on Making Conversation at Family Gatherings" that pretty much hit the nail on the head for me… It's about a guy who's given up discussing politics and culture w/his family as they're all essentially conservative-leaning Celine Dion

I didn't see the Ethan appearance coming, but it was more like an "oh." surprise than a "WHAAAAAAAA?", you know kind of like when it turned out that Claire was Jack's sister. You don't really see it coming, but it's not terribly mind-blowing or anything.

Yeah, that's what I don't really get… By making the infected Claire behave so similarly to Rousseau, it seems like they're suggesting that Rousseau was infected by this "darkness", which is apparently sufficiently dangerous that the infected person must be killed with some kind of magical poison that only works if you

Post Crunk, you may be right… Adrift was particularly retarded (hey! You know that part at the end of Jaws where the 2 guys are hanging onto a piece of driftwood and trying to paddle to shore? How about a WHOLE HOUR of that? And they'll SHOOT A SHARK! With a HANDGUN!) And the Glass Ballerina, featuring the only type

The Lost writers are smart, and I trust them when they say they're going to eventually make these flash-sideways thingers relevant to the main storyline, and maybe when that happens it'll retroactively redeem this eppy, but for the time being this "What if?" bullshit in the flash-sideways comes off like shitty fan

I'm in agreement with ZMF