things that niggaz be sayin to

If by "showblocker" they mean "what's left of the funny," then yes, Dwight is a showblocker. Michael and Andy are much, much better examples of this. Hell, even in her limited time on the show, Erin has done more to grind things to a halt than Dwight.

Isn't she the Cubs beat writer? I don't know what season (of the year) most episodes are set in, but 6 months out of the year, a real baseball beat writer ISN'T going to have time to do that stuff. Ever. If it's winter, then yeah, she's probably got time.

My wife loves this show
As a sportswriter like PJ supposedly is, I can't take it. Does she work? Ever? I'm not looking for realism from most shows - and certainly not My Boys - but it hits close to home in a really weird way. I can't carve out more than one or two nights a week to hang out with my wife and son and

My college softball awards story was deemed David Foster Wallace-esque.

There are people out there who didn't like The Shining?

Would be nice to see "Crazy as a Loon" on there, too.