things that niggaz be sayin to

It actually fucked with me at first. I thought my dog was eating something in the next room.

That disintegration was Jeff's funniest part of the episode, save maybe his "asterisk" aside. "I'm just a bad guy…guess I'm gonna go get laaaaaaaaaaaaaid!"

Damn, that's funky!

You fatha, Wuhna, was a burga serva in subuhban Santa Bahbara when he spuhned you motha, Vuhna, for a cuhly-haired suhfa named Wobuhta. Did it huht ha?

You guys need to check out Drew Magary's oeuvre for a real clinic on caps-lock usage. NO ONE DENIES THIS.

I'd read the fuck out of that.

Wrong, Bobo. "Go fuck yourself" is the standard response on these threads. It's a life lesson, after all. You should thank him.

at least they make up for it with energy and stage presence.

He's been on before, right?

You're right. "Go fuck yourself" is a perfectly reasonable response to message-board bullshit. No overreaction there at all.


And Gorge, I respectfully disagree about the naginta. The song was kind of lame (as they all are), but Taco riding off on the Vespa holding the sword aloft was pure gold.

Not disagreeing with you, Subway Justice. The show has been on a slide the past few weeks after a great start to the season (well, not the actual first episode, but the ones after that). I'm just glad we can have a reasonable discussion about it.

That would make more sense, even though it could be a flex spot. It sure as hell sounded like Davone Bess.

Maybe you should watch something you enjoy instead of a show that inspires you to spend 1/3 of the posts on a comment thread bashing it.

OK, a poor moment in the tag
Especially for a show that seems to take some pride in getting the football details right. Kevin/Ellie was deciding between Davone Bess vs. the Bears and Ricky Williams vs. the Browns. The Dolphins are playing two teams at once now?

Why the hell not…


Much obliged. All I could think of was a stinger, but I knew that was the part before the opening credits.

Obviously all of this was written before Community swallowed its own tail in the third act tonight.