Dura Lex

Maybe I missed it but why is no one talking about STEEL PANTHER?!?

I'm a little alarmed that the comment boards for this piece are totally silent about the possible return of Taste Test's prodigal son.

Thanks for that HDR - best comment I've seen all year.

Where art thou ZMF?
I feel as though he would have some interesting insights into the Death Wish franchise that would nicely juxtapose with those on Shakespeare and Titus etc.

Was going to call Bullshit but Wikipedia doesn't lie. Well maybe it does but whatever, great dig Dwide.

@Who Cares - Amen brother! I actually prefer the action in the first one for that very reason. What yutz in Hollywood decided all good action has to make the viewer confused and seasick? Can we get a petition going or something?

When I was 12 or 13 (both?) I watched TNG reruns every night after school, to the point that family dinner could NOT be before 7 so I could finish the episodes. This led to me reading the Physics of Star Trek, a decent book by some physicist about how much energy it would actually take to warp space, why beaming

to the AVC for Phoenix as the best album. I'm not really qualified to say whether it is indeed the best of 2009 since I haven't heard all these (much less all the other albums released this year) but after I saw this in the best of the decade list I have been jamming it on Spotify non-stop. My cheap ass might

Massive props to Midnight Marauders. Low End Theory is also crazy awesome.

Would you fuck her?

"buffing [your] boat" Reck? I believe the preferred terminology is "petting one's bird".

As long as we're talking Floyd let's not overlook Meddle.

I was always partial to holding up my 3 middle fingers and saying "Read between the lines a-hole" or something equally witty.

Er, that's "Freedom Fries" Abe.

They say the fucking smog is the fucking reason you have such beautiful fucking sunsets.

Hmm… I always put on Leavin' Trunk by Taj Mahal when I'm looking to get psyched up. That tune really has chops.

Definitely "Gimme Shelter", but props to "Emotional Rescue" also, mostly cause of the insanely awesome jam at the end of Phish's cover on NYE '97.

Definitely the Last Waltz.