Marty McKee

True. And that's unfortunate. But the show is still available, bowdlerized or not.

Some of those Cannell shows have themes that go on for almost two minutes.

Okay, but the point is the same. How many pageviews does an article have to get? This one sure is getting a lot. What if a TCC series got half? I dunno.

HIGH AND LOW is based on Ed McBain's great 87th Precinct novel KING'S RANSOM, so Kurosawa's film wasn't an original. KING'S RANSOM has been ripped off several times, including an episode of THE FUGITIVE.

A lot. Way more than is "good" today.

A lot. Way more than is "good" today.

What the heck is wrong with Simon Baker?
He's extremely charming on THE MENTALIST in what is a very good TV leading man turn. Geez, is acting only "good" when it's dark and "serious?"

Everyone realizes the climax was an homage to RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, correct?

If you look closely enough, Richard Belzer is in the very first SNL ever done. He's sitting in the jury box during a courtroom sketch. I was intrigued by his appearance, and concluded he must have been a friend of the cast who hung around that week and got to be on the show.

I saw THE TRIPPER last spring in Champaign, Illinois. I actually didn't hate it. I appreciated the political satire and the old-school nudity and gore. It's better than the other two movies I saw that day: FRACTURE and PERFECT STRANGER.

If you hate the show so much, why did you give it a B-?

Word count?
Why does a Web article need a word count?