
We didn't have links back in those days. You'd have to get the operator on the blower and ask to be connected to XANADU-649.

Almost. I was hoping that meant Rust had a half-empty 30 pack in the pickup bed.

Don't come to Rust Cole's house on the weekend if you don't know how to play Twister. That's all I'm saying.

It's magic.

Probably for easy cross-platform support. I'd not heard of it until now (mainly a console gamer), but their site says they support Linux. Or does it not work on your distro?

The only thing I don't like about the game is being able to see other users' scores because they clearly indicate there's a strategy to it as opposed to my "Let's try to smash everything into *this* corner and see what happens." I was so proud of my 8,000+ score and then found out that rates as "Probably Self-Aware

Mind you manners.


Wow, had no idea that even existed. I managed to resist splurging on overnight shipping.

Sounds like it's not worth subscribing to Starz for, but might be worth . . . downloading.

I'm sticking with a reference to the make-up gun from The Simpsons, "Homer, you've got it set on whore."

Yup, that was where I first found the name of the group behind those two songs I kept hearing. Thankfully the game pre-dated the picture on this article or I might have given their music a pass. Not now though because I'm totally in to music by guys that look like that.

Whoa, down presser man

Zaltzman at the peak of his punning

I'm still confused as to how you need baby powder to get yourself into a latex suit, but not a dead body.

How far will we get into the season before there's an episode without a woman in chunky glasses? The perp last week, the reporter and Joan this week . . . I don't think Joan's the only one in need of an Internet date.

He's Jim Gaffigan's long-lost sorta twin!

You would too if you were part of an ongoing criminal conspiracy.

'Round these parts that's known as the "Dad Hat" in honor of my friend's father who once inspired the comment, "I swear the next time I see him it will be floating above his head."