
I also liked Kevin saying he was tired of worrying about Dave being able to help. The guy friggin' rescued Andy's mashed potato mishap by walking around working a potato ricer one-handed while taking care of his station. You twisted both ankles screwing around on a short flight of stairs. Worry about yo'self.

Agreed. He's completely tone-deaf. He really should have Bugs Bunny or The Coyote holding up a sign behind him saying, "I'm trying to fuck you over here." And is he getting paid to crank that accent up each week? I didn't know Dawchestah was part of the Cape now.

Here's the info on hacking a Comcast (or anyone else) remote for the Motorola DVR.

Anyone know who posted this?

You've got to think outside the box with Gordo, man. He could have then canned two people next week.

Sure, but I can't even get the explosive gel gun spraying in the right place in under 29 seconds. And I'm doing just fine in the real game.

Can't imagine why . . .
Suzanne didn't take Tenille's advice about the scallops when Tenille almost got canned from the show for undercooking scallops early on.

@Beeswax, I hope you weren't one of those two guys on E behind us that kept wagging hins fingers at Craig and hitting my wife. I'd like to think you were the 60-something in front of us with the amazing plowed-field hairdo.

(Damon and Afflecks' accents are fine, but the judge is the standard all other characters in the movie must be . . . judged against: "Ewe hit a cawp . . .")

Plus he was hazardous to his team's health on that hill. They should turn him into Private Pyle, "They're paying for it, you eat it!"

I had it queued up to purchase on my Xbox and then realized it required a TV.

You're on notice, Smilner!

Insensitive Clod
Maybe "get a bead" isn't the best phrase for discussing someone's Kent State experience.

Jean shows the process for every cover at his blog (e.g., http://www.processrecess.co…. I'll admit it has dragged a bit recently, but it seems to be picking back up.

"Nasty little fucker. Only knows one word."

Conan Revival
Conan was lost on me for most of my comics reading youth, but the new Dark Horse series(es) has made me a fan, so it's frustrating to not find the books in libraries or book stores. As for Robert E. Howard the man, the Dark Horse series runs a 4 panel strip in the back of each issue that represents a

Dear Bill.i.am
It was really cool when you turned "Sexuality" into "Bestiality". Not just because it was funny, but because the lines still rhymed and you didn't fuck up the meter. Try to remember that next time you tweak lyrics.

Mr. Mytzlplyk to Marah's Bizarro?