Johnny Febrile

BROCK SAMSON: Yeah… I don't need another "We're not so different, you and I" speech. I get that a lot.

After about the fiftieth snarky comment from the Riddler, I found myself really wishing that after you solved all the riddles you would get the chance to find Riddler and beat the living shit out of him. I'd put on my best (not very good) K. Conroy bat-voice and say back at the screen, "Edward… seriously. When I

I thought the game's Batman design looked very Alex Ross-inspired, with the aforementioned addition of Begins/Dark Knight-style elements to the costume.

Didn't do it aloud, but I have to admit that my brain subconsciously grafted a Scottish accent onto the whole interview. I *heard* it. In my head.

Got it in one, Yoga Fire. I found a collected edition of MNFTIU somewhere a few years back, paged through it, and got my mind blown. I bought it without a backwards glance.

It is pretty inexplicable; I am completely aware that Taco Bell is just plain objectively bad. And yet I am drawn to it. More often drunk than sober, to be sure.

And a Junior Western Bacon Chee. JUNIOR Western Bacon Chee.


My theory
Since, let's face it, Jackson, Fawcett, and McMahon were universally recognized megacelebrities—how many people had the Farrah poster, or a copy of Thriller, or were seen off to bed at night by Johnny and Ed, after all?—their Celebrity Death Trifecta has torn the veil between life and death and has created a

I say, look at Chicolini, here he sits, a pitiable object…

@ Wallrock: That's it right there—Red Dwarf. ESPECIALLY Curry Night. That would be my ideal fictional life: lazing around, being slobby, drinking lager, eating curry, playing my guitar badly… in fact, apart from being a white guy from Cleveland instead of a black guy from Liverpool, I basically am Dave Lister.

One point in this movie's favor
To me, anyway…

Hey gringos! Here comes El Zoido to poison your drinking water! *BHHOW BHHOW BHOWW BHHOW*

I'm… not familiar with the type of thing I'm seeing….

"All hail ZOIDBERG, the king with the Box!" (foot-kissing noises. "It's my turn now, maybe?"

Quiet, robit! Bender is on television!

I have nothing to add to the discussion.
I came to see a Bad Thing happen to Bret Michaels. I was not disappointed.

@ Space Pope:

I just can't get used to the future…
Caffienated bacon… baconated grapefruit… strawberried peanut butter…

I would so rather walk around in a Smoothie costume than be photographed next to Stephen Baldwin.