
"Old-timer has-been hack gets filmed in the dark because he still refuses to admit he's old, fat, and pretty much useless as an actor and/or stuntman."

You have to wonder about a world in which a movie fails to live up to a short monologue…

"Our only whish, to cacth a fish so juicy sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet !!!!!!"

I buy mine from Sméagol. Shady fellow, and haggling takes a whole lot of time, but the fish is juicy sweet…

I don't know…..its taste ? (Kiddin( ! ^^)

"Sicario 2 : the Ceviche Sting" Ôo

"I ain't got no idea what that is, but I'm gonna f.ck it to death for a freakin' fact !"

"Trump fans have just learnt enough english for them to understand the lyrics of Springsteen's 'Born in the USA'".

I saw it. Once. And now I remember….and wonder how it is that your brain didn't erase the memory, as mine did ! ^^

Also, the biggest problem with this upcoming movie derives from the best thing about the "Predators" movie : Walton Goggins' inmate character is supposedly dead and will not be featured in this one (I guess ?).
There are a lot of movies who could benefit from Walton Goggins' presence. And nobody can yell "Take that,

Tavernier's "In the electric mist" was beautifully shot. It's not the same swamps (of bayous can be referred as swamps anyways…), but a swamp-based Predator could make a nice movie…

"Film producers release rumors about said film in order to subconsciously convince our brains that this movie is interesting enough for us to go watch it when it comes out."

He didn't LITTERALLY do it, but…

Sounds like a young child throwing a hissy fit and abandoning a presentation in the middle of a sentence because he stumbled on a syllable.
Except you don't pay hundreds of dollars to see the child's presentation.

"Another classic movie to be remade, so that everybody can see how better the original is and complain about it after having paid full-priced tickets to watch the remake, thus enabling the studio responsible to keep remaking classic movies nobody really wants to be remade."

Oddly enough, that's not the actual main reason…

Imagine, then, what good a lighted match in his vicinity could do…

There seem to be something quite peculiar and specific to Russian culture, where leaders and easily recognizable figures tend to be described in "romanticized" fashion.
It's not about the actual reality, it's about how much of a memorable "character" those persons seem to appear.
I don't know if I make much sense,

That would have been nice in an episode of "Justified". ^^

That. Is. Awesome. xDDDDDDDDD