
I loved Age of Stryfe Deadpool too.

He was in Wolverine: Origins.

You're not the boss of Tigerbot Hesh!

I like the way they think…

Ming, ming, ming… What am I looking at?
"He saved us from war… ming"
Why is "MING" on the front?!
No it isn't.
Of course it is! Look there's a pocket!

which will quickly be followed by Star Wars Episode X: Ewoks in the Hood

Star Wars Episode VII: Star Wars THE FLAMETHROWER!

It makes sense because he flew close to a cluster of black holes which bent space-time so that the distance traveled actually shrunk! DUH!

Star Wars XXXIII and I/III: The Final Insult

I believe in the first novel it is strongly implied, but never made explicit.

Donald Sterling!

As a current PhD candidate, I'd like to weigh in.

What about the restaurant from that episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark run by Dr. Vink where the special ingredient is people's fear?

Well, you add a shit ton of butter to anything and it's pretty good.

Speaking of Nicholson, no mention of As Good as it Gets?

I grew up on 1%. It's what I always drank.

I'm like that too. Apparently a lot of people are. What I've heard is that you're supposed to force yourself to eat in the morning to workup your appetite. Like have some yogurt or a banana.

We hate Fenton because Fenton sucks. We hate Fenton, Fenton so much.

Mace was a whiny b**** anyway…

Um, I wasn't saying it did. I was advocating the view that Jaime's story arc is meant to be one of redemption. We're supposed to sympathize with him. That is why this scene is problematic because it now becomes very hard to see him redeeming himself. It totally hurts all the progress he has made and that viewers have