
I remember that rumour floating around not long after season four finished (1990ish). Doesn't seem very likely now

Did Dinklage really refer to Martin Henderson (the kiwi actor), or did he mention Martin Johnson (England rugby coach at the time)?

True. But as far as conservative parties go, they're probably closer to centre than most

For what it's worth its mainly called Soccer in New Zealand too. And we get the same complaints from Soccer fans that it should be called football. Hence, I use Soccer as much as possible.

It wasn't all on him though. He did try to do a sol album, but the record company refused to issue without Sabbaths name on it.

I agree on the sweetness.

"They knew what was going to happen, because there was a script."

You do realise Robbie Krieger wrote that song right?

Drubnk Dave that never stopped Bon Scott. No, wait, scratch that.

I'd only heard of Pitt the younger becuase of Black Adder series 3, where he represented as being in his early teens.

The Colonel wasn't so worried about Elvis's financial situation that he stopped taking his 50% cut of everything.

No one said anything about a dog.

Little miss sunshine?

Geddy, I'm sure I've heard that story froom Simon as well. At least regarding the title 'Mother and child reunion' besing inspired by a chicked and egg dish. I'm not sure about the chinese restaurant and waiter part.

@ Cookie monster

The ending of the game ruined the whole thing for me.

I don't remember liking the Cheers finale that much. It all seemed a bit pat to me, everybodies lives having some dramatic change all around the same time.

@Raymond Luxury-Yacht

15% is still roughly one in 6, and when you consider the vast majority of these would have to be in the sort of higher security prison the worst offenders get sent to, you'd have to be pretty wary of you get sent to one of them.

Smirnoff, I'm pretty sure that's how it works in the U.S. too.