
I cut him extra slack for this one because he said out loud "my mother is in the hospital of course i'm not alright." But I guess that's the issue with Max - whether it has any bearing or not, any way you cut it he's going to be unhelpful.

I cut him extra slack for this one because he said out loud "my mother is in the hospital of course i'm not alright." But I guess that's the issue with Max - whether it has any bearing or not, any way you cut it he's going to be unhelpful.

I mean yeah he's often annoying but can you blame him here? His mom's sick in the hospital, he doesn't know how to process it, of course he's going to cling even more to his routines like going to the mall to pick a train.

I mean yeah he's often annoying but can you blame him here? His mom's sick in the hospital, he doesn't know how to process it, of course he's going to cling even more to his routines like going to the mall to pick a train.

Not sure what your sarcasm level is, but, yeeeah. This season has cut close-to-the-bone.

Not sure what your sarcasm level is, but, yeeeah. This season has cut close-to-the-bone.

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus  HAHA - watching a show vicariously through The Soup is always a fair explanation. 100%. I'm with you now.

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus  HAHA - watching a show vicariously through The Soup is always a fair explanation. 100%. I'm with you now.

The bottom line is that this episode made me so happy my mom survived her cancer and that I've gotten to go home for Christmas and see her not in a hospital the past decade of Christmasses.

The bottom line is that this episode made me so happy my mom survived her cancer and that I've gotten to go home for Christmas and see her not in a hospital the past decade of Christmasses.

I meeeeean, whatever, SIIIIMS etc., but this one spoke to me. Probably because I've been dealing with a breakup just like this over the past couple of weeks. The final "episode" of the whole debacle happened this weekend while I was at my best friend's house for a Christmas tree decorating party - My boyfriend of 7

I meeeeean, whatever, SIIIIMS etc., but this one spoke to me. Probably because I've been dealing with a breakup just like this over the past couple of weeks. The final "episode" of the whole debacle happened this weekend while I was at my best friend's house for a Christmas tree decorating party - My boyfriend of 7

Oh wow. That's one of those times that makes me want to say "and that's why I don't have cable." Except that's a horrible thing to say because Mad Men is amazing. (and a million other shows I could list but would ruin the cadence of my joke.) Thank you for alerting me to this cultural crisis.

Oh wow. That's one of those times that makes me want to say "and that's why I don't have cable." Except that's a horrible thing to say because Mad Men is amazing. (and a million other shows I could list but would ruin the cadence of my joke.) Thank you for alerting me to this cultural crisis.

So the sing-off doesn't exist anymore, right? I liked that for holiday filler TV. At least it was a bunch of talented people who were dedicated to their art and not auto-tuned. And Nick Lachey > Howie Mandel.

So the sing-off doesn't exist anymore, right? I liked that for holiday filler TV. At least it was a bunch of talented people who were dedicated to their art and not auto-tuned. And Nick Lachey > Howie Mandel.

Jason Segel + fish humor = comedy gold. In every TV show, in every movie. Every time.

Jason Segel + fish humor = comedy gold. In every TV show, in every movie. Every time.

Hahaha - the breaking could have been worse apparently - they just put up a link to this sketch that got pulled, presumably because no one could hold it together. http://www.nbc.com/saturday…

Hahaha - the breaking could have been worse apparently - they just put up a link to this sketch that got pulled, presumably because no one could hold it together. http://www.nbc.com/saturday…