
Scott! I believe they said it was the 1995 Army/Navy Game. Which Navy also lost, but these things are important. I wish they could have shown one where they won — we have the past 10 years! (BEAT ARMY is in my blood.)

Scott! I believe they said it was the 1995 Army/Navy Game. Which Navy also lost, but these things are important. I wish they could have shown one where they won — we have the past 10 years! (BEAT ARMY is in my blood.)

True that.

True that.

Joe Biden's sure she can do any job!

Joe Biden's sure she can do any job!

Have we had voodoo yet? Any sort of hex? A pox on your soul, etc.

Have we had voodoo yet? Any sort of hex? A pox on your soul, etc.

SCIENTOLOGY! And Mormons. I am "yes, and!"-ing you.

SCIENTOLOGY! And Mormons. I am "yes, and!"-ing you.

Less Walking Dead, more The Strain… Which is like Zombie/Vampires. With some 28 Days Later in there because that was horrifying. Oh, except The Strain is becoming its own FX show.

Less Walking Dead, more The Strain… Which is like Zombie/Vampires. With some 28 Days Later in there because that was horrifying. Oh, except The Strain is becoming its own FX show.

**Hunger Games Spoiler? Maybe? This is my first Spoiler Tag and I don't know the statute of limitations**

**Hunger Games Spoiler? Maybe? This is my first Spoiler Tag and I don't know the statute of limitations**

Oh my gosh, the circus came to Boston a few weeks ago and parked its circus train right in the middle of my walk to work in Cambridge, so I had to literally cut through the circus train every day. And it was the creepiest thing ever. Ever.

Oh my gosh, the circus came to Boston a few weeks ago and parked its circus train right in the middle of my walk to work in Cambridge, so I had to literally cut through the circus train every day. And it was the creepiest thing ever. Ever.

With the return of Connie Britton?

With the return of Connie Britton?

I kept spontaneously shouting "calcu-later!" to my TV. And cats. All of which explain why I was not shouting it to my boyfriend, who does exist but was not willing to witness this with me.

I kept spontaneously shouting "calcu-later!" to my TV. And cats. All of which explain why I was not shouting it to my boyfriend, who does exist but was not willing to witness this with me.