
I have it on one PA's very trustworthy authority that another PA had signed out wardrobe for AD at Nordstrom. It's happening, people.

I have it on one PA's very trustworthy authority that another PA had signed out wardrobe for AD at Nordstrom. It's happening, people.

Yes. Although I just read his resume and he's def done some time in Wellington (Florida). The girls in that circle are patently (and unabashedly so I don't think they'll take exception to this) slutty. I wonder what's holding him back…

Yes. Although I just read his resume and he's def done some time in Wellington (Florida). The girls in that circle are patently (and unabashedly so I don't think they'll take exception to this) slutty. I wonder what's holding him back…

Why don't people just make their own sauce? Seriously, a can of crushed tomatoes, some olive oil, seasoning and herbs to taste, and you've got a tasty sauce not full of chemicals. I'm not usually "that person" when it comes to food, but tomato sauce is a pet peeve of mine - it's cheaper and it's healthier and it

Why don't people just make their own sauce? Seriously, a can of crushed tomatoes, some olive oil, seasoning and herbs to taste, and you've got a tasty sauce not full of chemicals. I'm not usually "that person" when it comes to food, but tomato sauce is a pet peeve of mine - it's cheaper and it's healthier and it

You think a lady weight lifter would say no to that?

You think a lady weight lifter would say no to that?

He…. needs to go on the circuit in the states. You could look like a foot but if you're a straight guy on the grand prix circuit in the USA, you're getting massive amounts of action from the ladies. And he doesn't look like a foot… And he's Scottish. And he's a gold medalist. He's good to go.

He…. needs to go on the circuit in the states. You could look like a foot but if you're a straight guy on the grand prix circuit in the USA, you're getting massive amounts of action from the ladies. And he doesn't look like a foot… And he's Scottish. And he's a gold medalist. He's good to go.

I would be willing to bet those horses winning British medals in dressage are actually German horses… The British team website conveniently leaves off everyone's breed.

I would be willing to bet those horses winning British medals in dressage are actually German horses… The British team website conveniently leaves off everyone's breed.

@avclub-af6a68964f41fe905ea9bce5ebd8f80e:disqus I think you're taking the wrong approach by saying that the rider is too far removed from "the movement." While there are times when your horse will save your ass by doing the right thing on his or her own, by and large it is the rider's movement that produces the

@avclub-af6a68964f41fe905ea9bce5ebd8f80e:disqus I think you're taking the wrong approach by saying that the rider is too far removed from "the movement." While there are times when your horse will save your ass by doing the right thing on his or her own, by and large it is the rider's movement that produces the

This is my favorite comment ever, as it hits on the two things that I spend all Olympics yelling at people about.

This is my favorite comment ever, as it hits on the two things that I spend all Olympics yelling at people about.

Yeah, fencing starts in September. I like to think that I possess all of the qualities you list from riding (a lot of quick flex muscle movement but also a lot of endurance needed, quick reflexes, and lots of thinking), but in all reality the dream could be over real fast right there.

Yeah, no, I've spent many Saturdays riding for 2 hours in the morning and then having to go on a longish run (because of like half-marathon training schedules) and it was fine, and I'm nowhere near in Olympic shape (yet…). Olympic Shape + 12 min tops on horseback + 3X1000M sprint (with breaks to shoot laser guns!)

Yeah, no, I've spent many Saturdays riding for 2 hours in the morning and then having to go on a longish run (because of like half-marathon training schedules) and it was fine, and I'm nowhere near in Olympic shape (yet…). Olympic Shape + 12 min tops on horseback + 3X1000M sprint (with breaks to shoot laser guns!)

I would say the running post-cycling in a Tri is way harder because you're in the same aerobic event as far as your body is concerned. And it takes tons of endurance. In Pentathlon you have to go ride 1 course, which usually takes about 5 minutes, and then you have a few hours until the running/shooting starts. I