
Doesn't he go like, a while between feedings? Like, I'll eat the occasional hamburger but I don't eat meat at every meal, so I'm not fat. Everything in moderation.

100% marry Ders, sister.

100% marry Ders, sister.

I LOVE THAT THIS HAPPENED! My stupid internet provider hasn't set up my service so I couldn't watch this yet, but I wanted to comment so we could keep the recap party going.

I LOVE THAT THIS HAPPENED! My stupid internet provider hasn't set up my service so I couldn't watch this yet, but I wanted to comment so we could keep the recap party going.



Yeah, I draw the line at torrents. It doesn't make *actual* economic sense, but my little sister is a PA and I feel like torrents affect her paycheck. Even though I'm probably more directly impacting her paycheck from a basic cable show by no longer paying for basic cable.

Yeah, I draw the line at torrents. It doesn't make *actual* economic sense, but my little sister is a PA and I feel like torrents affect her paycheck. Even though I'm probably more directly impacting her paycheck from a basic cable show by no longer paying for basic cable.

I'm going to start paying more attention to the lighting for this. The day-for-night shooting on Freaks and Geeks was hilariously glaring to the point that I found it endearing.

I'm going to start paying more attention to the lighting for this. The day-for-night shooting on Freaks and Geeks was hilariously glaring to the point that I found it endearing.

@avclub-8485e79dd4e6b0d529430cf3d37f1498:disqus Spoiler alert!

@avclub-8485e79dd4e6b0d529430cf3d37f1498:disqus Spoiler alert!

How did that work? I don't get it. I mean, I get why - to keep it from being a popularity contest… But then did it become something you DIDN'T want to happen? Like would it have been mortifying to be elected by the teachers to homecoming court? Was it either a super liberal or super religious high school?

How did that work? I don't get it. I mean, I get why - to keep it from being a popularity contest… But then did it become something you DIDN'T want to happen? Like would it have been mortifying to be elected by the teachers to homecoming court? Was it either a super liberal or super religious high school?

So, I'm like 5 days into a self-imposed cable ban for the summer, sort of like a TV cleanse. (Mind you, this "cleanse" still allows my subscriptions to Hulu+, Netflix Instant, MLB.tv, iTunes, and maybe even a borrowed HBO Go account.) Part of the reason for this is so I can fully appreciate the TV I'm watching, or at

So, I'm like 5 days into a self-imposed cable ban for the summer, sort of like a TV cleanse. (Mind you, this "cleanse" still allows my subscriptions to Hulu+, Netflix Instant, MLB.tv, iTunes, and maybe even a borrowed HBO Go account.) Part of the reason for this is so I can fully appreciate the TV I'm watching, or at

My introduction to Boone was on some summertime series called "Young Americans." (I looked that up!) I don't remember anything about the show except that he was beautiful, and that it taught me about how crappy summer television series are.

My introduction to Boone was on some summertime series called "Young Americans." (I looked that up!) I don't remember anything about the show except that he was beautiful, and that it taught me about how crappy summer television series are.

@avclub-8485e79dd4e6b0d529430cf3d37f1498:disqus Seen injecting heroin in between his toes and attempting to play the clarinet. He is indeed.