
And Alex Guarnaschelli, whom I dislike greatly. And you have to listen to Scott Conant pitch a fit whenever someone puts even a sliver of raw red onion in the dish.

Courtney is a reality television revelation compared to this pile of shit season of Top Chef. They'd be lucky to get her.

Don't get me wrong, I hate the bitch, but Sarah is executive chef at Spiaggia, which isn't just "somewhere." That she is in charge of somewhere so well known and heralded angers me more - this bitch gets to cook for the Obamas?!

I CANNOT HANDLE IT ANY MORE. I was going along just fine until the end of this episode, when it became clear that not only was this not the finale, but also NEXT week would not be the finale.

Jason from Hung, Jason from TrueBlood AND Skarsgaard could have caused my TV to explode from too much sexy on the screen.

Is he actually????? Damn, there went that dream. I had an in and everything (was going to play the whole "hey we're both from suburban Detroit!" angle). God I love looking at that man.

Also the other hooker on the late, great Hung and Amy Brenneman's annoying character's new love interest on Private Practice.

Maybe she had some of Cece's boyfriend's shrooms…

OMG a comedy nerd's current show wet dream.

I get this now. And, it's hilarious.

"and I am…schnitzelnazi"

I know, when he sat down I was hoping he'd get to use his real accent and be über suave. But of course it's more dear, sweet Jason with I'm sure an awkward vampire murder reunion with Lizzy Caplan at the craft services table.

Exactly! See related comment about supporting teammates below.

And I hate my ipad for not letting me edit "comedy trend"

Comedy not being mutually exclusive with characters caring for each other is my favorite omedy trend right now! And call me crazy, but I think it comes from more improv actors getting into tv these days - the support required for good improv really comes through in these shows dominated by improv actors, eg. Parks,

I'm all swoons between this and Grayson's perfect proposal.

This! Yes!

As an improv student, my favorite thing is when comedic actors make fun of improv classes (see also: Happy Endings), because you know they took these classes too!

Well, I also hang on every moment of Community and harbor a serious crush on Joel, not only for his looks, but also his jokes. (This is only 15% sincere indignation, because yeah, the man's beautiful.)

But did you actually say that? You actually said "bitch"?