
And three cups!

Ilan was guilty of general dickery and smugness. But, it should be said that was an extremely dickish season. Elia was a total bitch and that was also the season that introduced us to Wolfman Marcel.

Or, you know, get a bigger pan. The rack was spilling out of the side of the pan - there's no way any of that meat got anywhere close to real heat. No wonder it didn't cook!

Shush yourself. Clear eyes, full hearts.

Why do they want that? All poop and no communication!

@avclub-75f023b01584c7f37883f41c2a2b91ca:disqus  Yep, odds start at the morning line that the oddsmakers have, and then the betters take over and odds shift depending on how much action a horse gets from the crowd.

OMG… and the captions. He would totally do a Hills dating video. Where is that Benz now?

Yeah, I say it's "good for Tuesday," which is largely a TV ghetto. Save for "Raising Hope," which is great for any day!

I don't know the overlap of people who watch New Girl and people who watch Hung (though I assume it's low considering only like 5 of us watch Hung), but I was pretty excited to see Stephen Amell - Jason on Hung - as Cece's boyfriend in this episode. Mostly because he's hot, but it's nice to see his range span from

My vote is for Mayorisimo "I promise I'll do better"

Yeah, that's always been my theory.

No, they also sex-stab

1) Be from Detroit! Go Red Wings. And may the Avs and Sharks eat each other.

@avclub-6eff75e7ea1e4eaecc24df1ca043de61:disqus "Place" is a thing - win is first, place is second, and show is third. I had just guessed it was a show because of the difference in payout, but I could have been totally wrong. In any case, he wouldn't bet it all on the win just in case something went wrong - like

I also don't think there's anything unusual about a military parent being okay with casual cursing. My parents are both doctors and former military officers, and no one skipped a beat whenever someone swore (after, like, my sister and I both made it out of 7th grade or so).

People talk to horses. Just like I'm sure you talk to your dog. This is partly about the relationship between people and their animals, so get over it.

I absolutely loved this pilot. As someone who has ridden/owned/shown horses my entire life and is a racing enthusiast, I love how it captured the real horse-person essence of some of the characters at the track. While its clear that this show will bring some of racing's less savory qualities into focus, it reminds the

I'm sure it was a win vs a show ticket

I started out answering all of your nitpicks, but that seemed way too troll-like. But I will say that it makes sense that the authorities wouldn't photograph the bulletin board. They think it's the work of a crazy person and doesn't merit any attention, and their main concern is just getting the classified evidence

Are you just being sarcastic? Because when I've flown first class, the doors were the same. It's a mile high reminder that everybody poops, no matter what class they're sitting in. Who has these magical first-class normal doors in their planes?