
People do it. I have known many a junior publicist/editorial assistant/writer for the city who made manhattan work. The keys are roommates and learning how to drink for free.

I cried at the end of this episode because of how good it was, almost mad at NBC for airing an ep this good in the same week they yank it.

AND I think they show her crying in the next episode!!!

No, I think they're just getting really, really bad, so the actress is swallowing the back half of them. Like, one of her lines last night was "Is this what having a stroke feels like? Because I kind of like it." Like, really?

I kind of feel like that line was improvised, and turned out totally awesome. (Or as totally awesome as improvised throwaway lines can be)

I thought that was pretty clear from the get-go…

Weird gay turkey parties

Sigh, so did I. And then I talked myself out of it, "no, himym will avoid the cliche" … and I was burned. So badly.

Hard meats!


Sorry for daring to be sincere on AV Club for a minute there.

In my limited but meaningful experience, the "you're safe, you're not there, you're safe" helps, where crying and being like "what's wrong?!" seems to hurt.

Plus, it's Claire Danes.  The Emmy voters LOOOVE her.  And rightfully so.  But she's got them wrapped around her finger.

How very Freudian.

Def Gatorade.

That just dawned on me while watching this.  Kind of like when I watched LOST and realized we weren't in Flash-Forward or in Flash-Back. I think he's in universe-option-3.

Wasn't that one of Showtime's "Gigolos" in the conference room at Ruxin's work? Is this the beginning of his legitimate career? Being an extra on an FX show?

I haven't watched yet so I don't have much constructive to say, but are the football tickets actually 49ers tickets or are they Raiders tickets? For a family so pro-A's for baseball (instead of the SF Giants), it'd be interesting to see where they fell on the subject of Bay Area football.  Not that I'd advise ever

It's pretty funny.  Sometimes also pleasantly nostalgic…

Oooo I bet it has to do with Marshall + Steph 4eva!