Molly B Damned

Darkwing Fuck

Huh, I did not know Louie Anderson was still alive.

Watching Shaw play a love interest on Pitch made me sad.

"In my country, we talk to women. We do not drug them with plants."

I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.

I saw the new Jungle Book. It wasn't spectacular, but I was solidly entertained. The voice work was great.

Goddammit you motherfucker! It's stuck in my head!

Except for Emily and John, I like all the contestants so far. This is weird.

Yeah, Ant-Man proudly returning Captain America's shield to him was my favorite part.

"You've got to hand it to those dolphins. They just wanted it more."

That's good!

That's bad!

That's good!

Not for many years. The last time it happened this skinhead with "Civilized" and an arrow pointing down tattooed on his forehead was hitting some kid in the back of the head with a club. I tried to break it up and another skinhead pushed me into a wall. I hit him, and they both beat the crap out of me. After some

Yes I do, fascist.

I've never had ceviche so I just did a search to see if I could find any in the town I live in. The only version I found was "Italian ceviche" at Avanti's. God most of the food around here sucks.

I'm still sore from yard work. I saw Dr. Strange and really enjoyed it. My buddy hasn't smoked weed in over 15 years and was waiting for a Cubs or Bears championship before starting up again. We're going to hot box an entire house at an election/welcome back to smoking party tomorrow night.

Or Hans Gruber doing Bill Clay. I loved the movie, though.

I live in a town that's about half Cubs fans and half Cards fans. A lot of the Cardinal fans are great and are openly rooting for the Cubs. Some other Cardinal fans are out at the bars openly cheering for Cleveland. I couldn't imagine having the desire or energy to go out and root against the Cards in a series that

LET'S GO CUBBIES! (I'm from Peoria.)