
Finally! You have big shoes to fill this year, Sava. Actually, maybe not. I'm not sure how big Zulkey's feet are. My wife watched all the auditions, but I only got to see a few. Luckily, they were Bree, Stepheon, and Hampton. Having a one year old daughter, watching Bree's little girl absolutely melted my heart,

Finally! You have big shoes to fill this year, Sava. Actually, maybe not. I'm not sure how big Zulkey's feet are. My wife watched all the auditions, but I only got to see a few. Luckily, they were Bree, Stepheon, and Hampton. Having a one year old daughter, watching Bree's little girl absolutely melted my heart,

Quoting "The River" will always get you at least a B in my book, Todd.

Quoting "The River" will always get you at least a B in my book, Todd.

You forgot **with his back turned to you**

CSI: Miami was the most rediculously awesome show on television. We'll miss you, H.

This is one of my favorite Random Roles subjects in a while. "Peggy Sue…" is one of my all time favorites. I was so happy to see her in "Californication" as Sue Collini. She was so funny in that role.

The Bollywood number saved the episode for me. I was hoping something like that might happen shen they foreshadowed it by showing the television before Rebecca showed up. I'm also excited for a possible Rebecca v. Ivy storyline and totally thought she was going to ask Eliis to add peanut oil to the smoothie.

Tom's number was the best of the show so far. It was refreshingly professional, and I think that is what they were trying to get across when they showed the reaction of the production staff. And I found Derek's smirk very telling.

Pick to click? Doest the Hawk have a favorite?

No stops between Michigan and California?! Should I be thanking him for letting my keep the money I would have gladly paid?

I was happy to see Beavis can now say "fire" again. Last night also introduced me to the term "pornologist." How does one become one? My favorite line from last night?

Follow me to New Belgium.

Sean, your blurb failed to include the term "walking and talking," as every Sorkin show mention is required to.

I've been a Paul Rudd fan for a long time, but I like him even more for referencing Will Oldham and pitching a biopic that would include a bearded Cate Blanchett. Good show, Paul Rudd.

Karaoke degenerate
I love to sing karaoke, and I've always found the best songs are those just out of the singer's range. I can't stand soaring renditions by people who have great voices. Those people should choose rap or a song sung by the opposite sex.

Thank you, Louis Van Amstel
He pretty much saved the season for me with his choreography last night. I have loved the show since season one, but this year has been sooo hip-hop/contemporary heavy that it was getting stale - even with choreos i like.

Who are these choreographers?
Besides Mandy and Toni, I don't think any of these choreos have been on the show before. I liked the Justin Giles one, but sounds like the dude has not had the best luck with women. I thought the hip-hop routine was one of the worst I've ever seen on the show, and the salsa wasn't much

Where have you gone, Wade Robson?
Probably the #1 reason I tune into the results show is to watch the group performance. Color me unimpressed thus far. The first one with the doors was ok, but the overall feeling I have got with all three is there has been a lot of moving around on stage, but not a lot of dancing.

What now, Zulkey?
Now that I know you vote, I am not sure how to approach your column. I used to read it as a completely unbiased piece of online journalism, but now I'm not so sure. Does Claire Zulkey have an Idol agenda?