
Seriously, soapbaby? I have liked a couple of his performances. This has nothing to with him being black or (possibly) gay. I actually like Antony a lot, and last night I realized that is who Jacob reminded me of. Are you going to accuse me of sexism if I say I didn't like one of the female performances?

Where are all the trailers?
There used to be tons, and now there are only ten. Also, THE TREE OF LIFE trailer is the instrumental one. What gives?

I finally figured out Jacob's voice!
He reminds me of Antony, only worse.

Like I tweeted, Zulkey
I think Steven is closer to Ellen than to Paula. Even Paula would occasionally comment on the song choice and the performance. All Steven says is how the performer looks and sounds beautiful. That's classic Ellen.

"Big Fat Bass"
I was hoping this was a song about fishing. Britney is from sportsman's paradise Louisiana after all.

I would of been ok with Casey leaving
Even though I think Haley has been on borrowed time since the first show, Fuzzy has been mildly annoying with his past couple performances. I also think he looks like a muppet, which probably doesn't help.

Sorry, Jacob
If you choose a song a previous Idol performer chose, you have to sing it better to get my vote. Carrie Underwood killed "Alone." And while you killed it, you didn't kill it.

Odd trailer
There is a much more coherent trailer at IMDB that actually gives you a much better sense of the film.

Good week
I'll probably watch pretty frequently since there is nothing else on in that time slot. I like that Conan's back because even though he is the goofiest of the talk show guys, I also think he is the smartest. My highlight from the first week has to be the bit with the TBS standards guy, and in particular,

With a dash of B-side Stones.

A new Zack Snyder movie? I'm wondering if this one is completely in slow motion.

Haddie vs. Kristina
I loved the conclusion to the argument when Haddie told her mom to stop crying as she walked off.

The best
I think this was the funniest episode of the season, and it was all because of Whitford's accent. I love this show, and would be sad to see it go. If it is only going to be one season, I can see myself buying it, and watching it over and over.

Alvin Ailey dancers
I made basically the same comment to my wife last night. I noticed how all the teenagers weren't clapping or whoo-whooing during the performance, and chalked it up to them not really understanding what they were watching.

Some advice for Lindsay
The trick is: kick someone's ass the first day, or become someone's bitch.

I do remember that, Genevieve…
But do you remember me predicting "Cosmic Love" would be one of the songs used? No? Well, I did.

Two things
1. Anya is SUPER HOT this year. I don't remember her being this sexy during her season. Is it the blonde hair?

You're missing one run in "Psyco Killer"
Just sayin.

Dancing Machine
That is what Ade is. I still think he can wipe the floor with any of the new dancers.

I agree with you, G,
if a chroeo (my own word) doesn't use Florence + The Machine, I'll be very disappointed. I can definitely envision something danced to "Cosmic Love."