
Great minds…
Regarding the 19 yr old BFF's, I pretty much made the exact same comment to my specail lady last night concerning their make up. I couldn't look at them!

Damn it, Evan!
I blame him entirely for Janette's premature exit. It was obvious during the rumba she was way too much for him to handle.

The Man in the Black Pajamas
Now that was a worthy fucking adversary.

is a great book.

Jeebus bless you, Claire
for being a Sox fan! I just put you on my cool list…in permanent ink!

Alright, Alright, Alright
Wooderson is still McConaughey's best role.

"Where Will I Be"
by Emmylou Harris is my favorite song.

Whatchamacallit is my all time favorite candy bar

I'm cheering for Steve-O
And I wonder if it's going to be difficult to dance with Shawn Johnson seeing as how she's only like 4'10".

Heath Ledger
I know we all expected this, but it's still pretty sad.

What's up, guys?
Is Tasha contractually obligated to watch all short films?

Right on cue, Jess.

I can't hardly wait
till they get to the part when they give a shout out to the part where they honor the Scientific and Technical awards.

I thought the Oscars were supposed to be behind only the Super Bowl in terms of commercial awesomness. I've seen all these before!

Sean Penn
Looks human tonight - showing a lot of emotion. I think I've seen him smile like two times!

I agree.

More Shivers
Tilda Swinton

Go Hugh, Go!
He has Sweded the opening!

Tilda Swinton freaks me out.

Marisa Tomei