
Didn't Von Trier insist on a stunt-dong for DaFoe specifically bcause his johnson was so massive it was actually aesthetically distracting? That both makes perfect sense and terrifies me simultaniously.

I love you and am ready to recieve your baby seed.

I snuck in Aguirre under the wire!

Yes it, in fact, works! Great for catching up with Bergman, not so much for HD materials though.

I think any Firstie
Was diffused by the series of ones in those lists.

It's possible.
That $29.99 is a bit too pricey, but i'll gladly pay for that picture to finally be jack-off-too-able!

Burning Angel, sets the lofty wings keeping Suicide Girls aloft aflame. Much easier to spank to.

Fuck! It reeks something terrible!

Why didn't you think of that, you big dummy! For your health!

"Hey check out whose on the (anne)hog in the rearview mirror."

"Bam, Dude! You just got Dragula'd bitch!" Is my new favorite saying, maybe ever.

Incidentally, the Rumble in the Bronx entry on wikipedia may be one of the funniest things i've ever read.

Palindrome paralyzes me with fear everytime i hear it. Amazing.

That's Easy.

Double Standard
Oh this shit get's the green light and my talking-corpse-baby sitcom isn't even considered? People need Look Who's Rotting in this day an age.

Like Wallabies!
At the rate Lecky and Stella were gettin' it on, i honestly thought they were going to find a way to hit another one out at the greek soldier-boy's funeral!

1980 (Farts Dust)

Finally! if respectability sounds tempting!
What the hell are these nerds yaking about?

I panicked for a second when i thought they may actually be airing at the same time. Oh, to my glee when i discovered quite the opposite!

Hey! s'Isaac!
We have your woman!