
Is alcohol only "hooch" when obtained via illegal methods?

I have to admit, i got caught up in precisely that sentiment. When he ran out to clear the line of fire i actually caught myself poised at the end of my chair with my mouth agape. Bad-ass to a level that can't be manufactured.

Sakes a Mighty Fellas…
At least we ain't got no dame reviewing the show….

In Soviet Russia…
That Papa Joe baby looks like he's ready to party… THE party! amirite?!?!

That Five Guys in Suffolk is fucking spot on. It's my default stop on my drive home from work if i don't feel like cooking. Does this mean we're dating?

Two words. Spike Strips.

I suspect that mosquito cartoon of anti-semetism.

Yeah, Lucas will always have a place in my heart for having a high school protagonist who just kind of fails at everything he's trying to do. It's like the anti-Karate Kid. Also, a fine example of the slow clap. One of the best.

I did see this movie astronomically high. The toughest part to process was the insanely good shape Ike Clanton from Tombstone was in.

Because I'm not despicable enough yet…
That ending really highlights the irresponsible swingin' that goes on in the homosexual lifestyle.

Holy Shit! It IS fucking true, Re: Wikipedias Fetus in fetu entry!!

No, but, if i recall, the first episode did have her squeezing into a scant outfit intended for a "thinner" girl. My assessment: My anaconda don't want none, unless it's got buns hun.

I'd like to ride her "amber waves o'grain…"

I spent most of my prom "jokingly" dancing with other dudes homo-erotically. Also, "jokingly" getting erections.

@Spaceprophet - Maybe NOW they'll start to call traveling!

@Spaceprophet - Maybe NOW they'll start to call traveling!

Personally i find…
That this was Bridget Powerz best performance since 18 Inches vs 18 Inches.

Passion of Joan of Arc is, in fact remarkably fantastic. If not for the film itself, then for the amazing performance by Falconetti. Also, it was discovered in a swedish mental asylum after being assumed lost for half a century, if i recall correctly. That's just all sorts of awesome.

Man… that dot had some pretty amazing adventures.

TMWLP's summed up the entirety of Bendis' narrative style forever.