
Ip Man 1 and 2, Kill Zone/Sha Po Long, Flash Point (dopey but so much fun, and cool to see Donnie Yen doing MMA style fighting), The Raid — pretty much in agreement with what everyone has mentioned.

Loved Pirates! Seeing as it's based on a book series, it's a shame they won't be making another. Looks like it joins Master and Commander in the nautical-adventures-that-should-have-been-a-franchise department.

Loved Pirates! Seeing as it's based on a book series, it's a shame they won't be making another. Looks like it joins Master and Commander in the nautical-adventures-that-should-have-been-a-franchise department.

Only he IS mopey in this movie. All he did was fucking mope. He wasn't Peter Parker, he was Mopey Moperson. He was a wiseass in one scene and one scene only.

Only he IS mopey in this movie. All he did was fucking mope. He wasn't Peter Parker, he was Mopey Moperson. He was a wiseass in one scene and one scene only.

Hugo was the only 3D movie that I felt truly looked incredible in 3D. I was just completely absorbed from the first scene on.

Hugo was the only 3D movie that I felt truly looked incredible in 3D. I was just completely absorbed from the first scene on.

Um, Sugar Ray?

Um, Sugar Ray?

500 Days is one of those movies that is decently entertaining the first time.  Rewatching it is pretty brutal. You realize it's a complete ripoff of Annie Hall only with an exhausting barrage of song montages.

Loved In The Loop so much I sought out The Thick of It.  Both were great. I was terribly disappointed by this.  Just found it dull and unfunny.  Something about the jokes just didn't click for me, like the timing was off or something. And calling someone a "shit" wasn't funny. It was an R-rated Yes Dear joke. Maybe

Your opinion's bad and you should feel bad.

This show continued its tradition of giving me season finales that make me want to give it a standing ovation.  I usually give one anyway.  While sitting down.  Producers'-style.

Agreed.  She's not great, but she's got a strong likable quality and I appreciate anyone who covers Gymkata, Full Moon and Frogtown movies.  And I dig Brad Jones' stuff and his delivery… now if only there was a way to get rid of that Phelous guy off the internet permanently.  Holy shit is that guy's delivery torture. 

Pretty much in agreement with you and Keith Phipps, the movie was a strangely pleasant enough time despite not really being all that great.  Damn you, misplaced nostalgia!

As much as I love Community, and as much as a dick Chevy may be, Harmon has always come off as an insufferable asshole as well.  I think there's a reason they've hemorrhaged their writing staff and much more to Harmon's firing on Sarah Silverman's show.

Wait, so Muppets didn't come out today?  Then what the heck did I buy a "Wocka Wocka Edition" of?  Dragon Tattoo?

This reminds me of how a buddy of mine was saying that Ocean's 13 dropped the ball by not including another Topher Grace cameo.  Specifically that, given how pathetic and downtrodden they made him in the second movie, Brad Pitt should have been intro'd in the movie as the sole mourner at Topher's funeral.  This seemed

Checked it out this morning hoping for some dumb fun.  Nope.  This movie was the worst kind of crummy movie — it was boring.  VERY boring.  Actually had to wake some dude up as I walked out while the credits rolled.  Was like an even more shitty Resident Evil/Underworld entry.  The few action scenes were okay, but

For me, the show was so close to being something special but was merely just fine.  Diverting and amusing but I figured it would ultimately be forgettable.  Then that ending happened.  Now, I'll never forget this show.  I do mean that as a compliment.