Also she has an asshole where her personality should be.
Oh, it's fact. I've got some science things to back it up around here somewhere. Charts and whatnot. Hang tight, I'll get back to you.
I think it stems from the fact that Coldplay is boring as shit.
I am of the somewhat unpopular opinion that Toy Story 2 is a piece of crap because it violates nearly every rule that was established to govern the universe of Toy Story just so it can manipulate you into a kick in the nuts delivered by that goddamn Sarah McLachlan.
Years ago a friend of mine and I started to do a sort of Bad Lip Reading recut of Schindler's List. We didn't get very far, which is probably for the best.
Me too, except it's "HEE HAW"
That's exactly how my mom justified my circumcision.
In their defense, I don't think it was their intent in DIG! to be assholes. That was just the natural consequence of appearing on camera and talking.
I had to watch My Giant about 6 times because I dubbed Gheorghe Muresan's part into German for Lufthansa. Apologies to anyone who found themselves on a flight to Berlin and got stuck watching that shit.
"Thing about the early 80's, if you can't remember all the man butt then you weren't there"
You think the Orphans ain't with it? They write about our raids in the PAPERS!
Being able to see his ass hair, however nice it may be, does not make those jeans less awful.
Hey, I got mystery downvoted! So this is what it feels like to have made it.
I read the book in high school and from what I recall you just described it perfectly.
Speaking of, Jerry was also successfully sued by Howard Stern's cousin for ripping of the slogan of his company, Beeceuticals, for his crappy Bee Movie.
That's how Ingrid Escajeda originally wrote it, but then Nick Searcy started a twitter war with her for promoting the homosexual agenda.
If it doesn't John Travolta has offered to handle that for you personally.
Tell me more, tell me more was it gooey likeā¦