Accio Tissues!
Accio Tissues!
This is as good a time to as any to announce my own Kickstarter campaign to raise $32,000 for legal fees stemming from a public performance of "body percussion".
My wife, who has not read the books, warmed up to the Hound this week when he told Arya he was taking her to the Twins. "Ohh, she's going to be with her mom again!" she sighed.
"Ain't no party like a Scranton party 'cause a Scranton party don't stop!"
Diplomacy should always be the first option
Cochran was rocking the successful nerd look while Malcolm was looking like a young Jeffrey Lebowski.
Alice in Depends
Reese: {farts}
He should read his own post then reconsider his assertion that writers are good at sounding smart.
If their appeal is unsuccessful they may declare guerre nucleaire.
Phillip clearly has Asperger's and Sherri looks like Sandra Bullock's mom.
It's hard to know if Eric is playing smart since they only remind us he's even on the show every third episode or so.
Michael Bay's reboot of Mask takes liberties with the life of Rocky Dennis.
I believe the correct pronunciation is Fransisseskwah.
Speaking of faces, am I the only one who thinks that Matthew Rhys' complexion makes him look like he is perpetually in the middle of taking off clown makeup?
I don't like that one song by Mumford & Sons. It's the one where it starts off all quiet and soulful-like, the singer lamenting about this or that, sounding all deep and melancholy for a bit, then it gets to the chorus and he gets all loud and the mandolin player and guitar player and every-goddamn-body gets really…
This article also fulfills the site's "include at least one article a week about how much of a dick Chris Brown is" quota.
Can I just say how much more I enjoy this thread than the ones further down wasting their time actually talking about the album?
Good point. So then,