Lemme ask ya, what kinda car does Ramirez drive?
Lemme ask ya, what kinda car does Ramirez drive?
Holy crap, I remember seeing that video of Speck.
I didn't think it was any worse than every single other "next week on" Mad Men has ever done. They're never more than a jumble non-contextual declarations and shocked reactions presumably produced by Matt Weiner's random clip generator.
Just you wait; Quarles ends up dying of canceraids.
I wanted Colton voted out so there might be some slim chance he might be forced to reflect on what a horrible piece of shit he is (I can dream). Instead he's now convinced he was the greatest player ever felled by bad luck, forgetting that until he lucked into the idol he spent the entire time literally crying that…
I've got the worst f<beep>ing lawyer.
Exactly. Her track record indicates that she keeps getting work because she has compromising pictures of the Mayor of Entertainments.
Love me the Tambor but I can tell you why Bent is doomed in three little words;
The moment in the Iron Giant that totally messes me up is the "Gun? I not Gun!" bit when you realize he's just a big awkward kid who doesn't understand his own nature.
@Mike D'Angelo, So why does almost nobody else get weepy at the ending of The Game, or even seem to perceive that the film aspires to that sort of intense catharsis? (I’ve found one lonely like-minded soul so far.)
Jose Padilha? The alleged dirty bomber?
Who are we to question the wisdom of Dirk Benedict, web master of the defunct kamikazecowboy.com and he who wrote and directed "Cahoots"?
Yabels - She killed the baddie whose arm had been chopped by the pot farmer. Got him just as he was about to kill the pot farmer with the same machete. Missed everyone else though, including Plank who dove in incredibly slow motion and should therefore have been easy to hit.
When Chris explained the "Kobarashi Maru" to the "non-Star Trek Nerds" I blurted out to my wife "It's KobaYASHI, not KabaRASHI! What kind of fucking Star Trek nerd is he???" She conceded that the Star Trek nerd was me and Chris just a run of the mill nerd. With stupid hair. And an unfortunate affinity for too-deep…
Richard Johnson at least is meant to be Democrat. If he was supposed to be Republican he would have been sending explicit pics to underage boys.
Yeah, garotting of a guys fingers then going home for a self reflective, melancholy tumble with the lady of the manor vaults one to the top of the list.
Not unless he offered to do the deed himself. Eli is a whipped dog.
Titanic. The boat sank and Kate Winslet got old and wrinkly and lost her big diamond and the granddaughter got knocked up by James Cameron.
Noel, your take was that she was contemplating suicide? I thought she was just trying to induce a miscarriage so she could get back to having fun. Throwing oneself down the stairs was up there with douching with bleach and coat hangers back in the day.