
Watch "conversations with dead peope" at the very least. Whedon still pulled off some suprises in that final season.

I have the DVDs, I will seriously e-mail the proper episode order to Handlen. I believe the DVDs are in the production order.

But weren't all the VHS tapes destroyed during the second coming of Jesus?

"although apparently more puppyish in this episode than the crass, handsy twonk of the thanksgiving episode."

Actually I think this show treats science pretty respectfully and aims for more accuracy than something like "Bones" which just kind of throws science-y terms around and then goes "tada, magic!"

I feel like the right way to do Jeff/Annie (if at all) would be a 50 year old Jeff having worked his way through a failed 1st marriage and a 30 something Annie, having really been "in love" with someone but losing them for whatever reason, reconnecting and realizing that no one gives a shit about their age difference,

Okay, time to waaaay over analyze a couple sitcom relationships.

Yeah how else do you explain Willam?

I think she completely misunderstood the concept of "serving fish".

I was hoping she'd cap it off with "YOU WANNA PIECA MEEE? YOOOU GOOOT IIIIIIIT!!!"

In season 1 there was a straight drag performer who auditioned (back when they actually aired the audition process) but never made it. I think it would be really interesting to see a straight drag queen and how the others might react to her. Drag is ostensibly a gay art form, but there are definitely non-gay (and

I don't know. Courtney was making all these little digs at Joslyn while they were working together. It's one thing to throw shade the way Bianca does, in which everyone gets it, and to rag on your partner in a challenge. Bianca is smart enough to pull back when shit needs to get done. Courtney seems more concerned

So…no love for the Hound referencing The Wire?

Steve Holt!

I sense a dumb youtube trailer mashup coming on…

Fat Tony died and was replaced by his brother "Slim Tony" who immediately started packing on the pounds. (I'm not making a joke. That was an actual plot point.)

Well, that just shows that the bear patrol is working.

Leave David Spade alone!!!!