rescuing you from robots

He's Bobby The Fourth, excuse you!

I know you're all feeling the darkness here today, but there's no reason to give in. No matter what you've heard, this process will not take years. In my heart I know we cannot be defeated. Because there is an answer that will open the door. There is a way around this system. This is a test of our patience and

Well, to each their own, but most of times I don't find them funny, just creepy. Debate 109 was great, though!

Do the writers actually like Jeff/Annie? Their romantic (?) scenes always make me embarrassed, and I'm definitely not against shipping, TV couples, etc, it's just that I really… don't get it.

AV Club's commenters seem to have a strange relationship with shipping — I mean, rooting for a couple sounds like a normal thing to me. But who knows, I have a vagina.


…What a delightful first paragraph.

there's a difference between being juicy, silly and campy and being just plain ridiculous. The Dan reveal (lol) and the fact that the showrunner said the writer KNEW IT ALL ALONG (sure!!) are just… too much.

there's a difference between being juicy, silly and campy and being just plain ridiculous. The Dan reveal (lol) and the fact that the showrunner said the writer KNEW IT ALL ALONG (sure!!) are just… too much.

dude, the show DIDN'T GO BACK TO ITS ROOTS. the finale was incredibly ridiculous, exactly how this show has been since S3? not that S1 was the best thing ever, but it was fun and not THAT dumb.

dude, the show DIDN'T GO BACK TO ITS ROOTS. the finale was incredibly ridiculous, exactly how this show has been since S3? not that S1 was the best thing ever, but it was fun and not THAT dumb.

oh god, Nice Guy alert.

oh god, Nice Guy alert.

I don't want to be mean or patronizing, but maybe this show… isn't for you. And by "you" I mean the angry commenters I see here. Sims is just doing the work he was assigned to (…right? I don't know exactly how these things work here), so I won't complain about it. Much.

I don't want to be mean or patronizing, but maybe this show… isn't for you. And by "you" I mean the angry commenters I see here. Sims is just doing the work he was assigned to (…right? I don't know exactly how these things work here), so I won't complain about it. Much.

is there a reason to LIKE Jeff/Annie? it's terrible.