
That makes me think of Miguel, who's voice is the modern equivalent of Marvin Gaye, but the songs are kind of lame.

Silly zombie!

As a huge MBV fan and a father to 3 year olds , you just managed to encapsulate the last 20 years of my life.

Ewok-away pest control pellets

I don't care about the movie, but that picture is great, and I would like to purchase that bear for my daughter.

Great, I like these guys a lot, but this brings up a much more important question.  Where the hell is the new My Bloody Valentine album?  Out by the end of 2012, said Kevin Shields!  You're a lying liar, Kevin Shields!

We think it's wonderful.

You were one of Carl Weathers bitches?

I would really enjoy hanging out on a yacht with Steely Dan.  Unless it killed me.

He had the Conan sword on display in the Governors office.  That makes him the greatest Governor ever.

An Indian woman walks onto a bus…

I had the 70's equivalent of a book on tape, the storybook on an album.  I listened to that album all the time on my parents hi-fi.  It was weird, because it took a condensed version of The Hobbit and made it even more condensed, so the story made almost no sense, but man, those voices were perfect.

I had the 70's equivalent of a book on tape, the storybook on an album.  I listened to that album all the time on my parents hi-fi.  It was weird, because it took a condensed version of The Hobbit and made it even more condensed, so the story made almost no sense, but man, those voices were perfect.

I saw Jawbreaker play with Jawbox twenty years ago.  I always thought that was funny.

I saw Jawbreaker play with Jawbox twenty years ago.  I always thought that was funny.

The greatest show I ever missed was Archers of Loaf.  They played Uconn in 94, I didn't really know them at the time, and I decided to leave early because the opening band was boring.  I thought it would be a better idea to go back to the dorms and search for beer.  A year later, Icky Mettle became one of my favorite

The greatest show I ever missed was Archers of Loaf.  They played Uconn in 94, I didn't really know them at the time, and I decided to leave early because the opening band was boring.  I thought it would be a better idea to go back to the dorms and search for beer.  A year later, Icky Mettle became one of my favorite

My kids make my computer go to something on the interwebs that plays mix tapes all day long!  I don't even know where they put the tapes in!

My kids make my computer go to something on the interwebs that plays mix tapes all day long!  I don't even know where they put the tapes in!