
If Katy Perry is gonna wander around in a Labyrinth, I would prefer if she sang Goblin King songs.  "You remind me of the babe." "What babe?"  etc.

If Katy Perry is gonna wander around in a Labyrinth, I would prefer if she sang Goblin King songs.  "You remind me of the babe." "What babe?"  etc.

The movie studios are run by Skeksis.

The movie studios are run by Skeksis.

Unfortunately, he's also about to be in line with Chuck D for being a great musician with a wacky/idiotic sidekick who causes him nothing but problems over the years.  Granted, Tyler is not exactly a sidekick, but they're often associated.

Unfortunately, he's also about to be in line with Chuck D for being a great musician with a wacky/idiotic sidekick who causes him nothing but problems over the years.  Granted, Tyler is not exactly a sidekick, but they're often associated.

Prince is awesome.  Just so long as you wipe the whole New Power Generation thing out of your brain.

Prince is awesome.  Just so long as you wipe the whole New Power Generation thing out of your brain.

@ 10cities10years:
In high school I used to listen to the Dead Kennedys.  I loved the song "Holiday in Cambodia".  I had no idea who Pol Pot was, I thought they were chanting that because it was fun to say, or it was Cambodian food.  I felt pretty dumb when I finally found out who he was, but the song sure made a lot

@ 10cities10years:
In high school I used to listen to the Dead Kennedys.  I loved the song "Holiday in Cambodia".  I had no idea who Pol Pot was, I thought they were chanting that because it was fun to say, or it was Cambodian food.  I felt pretty dumb when I finally found out who he was, but the song sure made a lot

I've listened to this album a few thousand times with my kids.  I think TMBG started the trend of kids music that isn't awful.  I'm eternally grateful.

I've listened to this album a few thousand times with my kids.  I think TMBG started the trend of kids music that isn't awful.  I'm eternally grateful.

I'm guessing Licensed to Ill is getting downloaded the most because of the technology age it's from.  Everyone owned that on cassette tape.  By Paul's Boutique you could get cd's.  So, unless you have an old tape player in your garage like I do, you need to download Licensed to Ill to listen to it.

It's not bad.  I think if you put it on shuffle with the rest of the Ween albums, it would fit right in.  On it's own, it's not something I would listen to a lot, but Aaron puts something into McKuen's songs that make them more interesting than a lot of artists could pull off.  Besides, if this is what Aaron needed to

Pirates! 2! Electric! Boogaloo!

Rodriguez made Willem Dafoe do it, so you never know.

I made it to half way through my sophomore year in college.  It's a sad truth, if you want to meet girls in college, you need to drink.  I'm sure there's exceptions to that, but not at UCONN.

The free food was always awesome.  I was in CT, and they started showing up to every show.  I see the ideological connection.  I just thought it was funny how the krishna's always seemed so peaceful, but at the shows kids were getting kicked in the face for the blue guy.

108 is spazzy and fun.  Earth Crisis is kinda scary.  Check out Firestorm on Youtube.  If you like chugga-chugga hardcore it's a great song.  Then you listen to the lyrics and realize they're talking about murdering everyone who is not hardline straightedge vegan.

Great article, but you forgot to mention the Hare Krishna movement in hardcore.  That has to be one of the strangest crossovers ever. I'm not sure it was nationwide, but it was big on the East Coast.  Shelter was pretty silly, but 108 was actually a really great band.