Super Hans On Crack

God, I get tired of Albini. The only thing worse are his hardcore followers who always give a curmudgeonly anecdote of his every time I mention I like an album that took more than 30 minutes to record.


And what about John Coltrane? And um… ok I can't think of any rock bands that were better sober than drunk. I like my rock stars dead.

I just hope we don't get Rick sulking for the next half of the season about how, if he hadn't killed Bob, there would have been a three for three trade. Or others in the group making the same point. That apprehension scene was awesome and really help shape who Rick has become. Let's not have any remorse. Rick the

I thought Alison's awkwardness was from never having listened to dub step or new music from the past few years. Put on some Nelly or N'Sync, though, and things get sick!

What's even worse is that nobody said or did anything as it happened. From other press reports, it seems there was some awkward applause from the docile fucks in the audience who later bravely took a stand on twitter. Seriously, someone makes a watermelon joke about the author of "Brown Girl Dreaming" as she wins an

Life is short, life is shit, and soon it will be over.

I'm pretty sure you have no fucking idea what a straw man argument is.

Ok, but he wasn't giving away everything that he's ever written in it's entirety. I agree with your point, but the comparison isn't apllicable.

I do, but I listen to a lot of modern classical and jazz.

But was he giving away the exact same content he was selling, or was he providing some things free but not his entire output? To me, that's a crucial distinction.

Yeah, I like Bandcamp for the reasons you mentioned. I'm not a fan of the layout of the site (I think it's ugly), and somehow most search engine algorithms never turn up the Bandcamp page I'm looking for, so that can be a little frustrating. Right now my own stuff is available to stream for free on my website. It's

I always try to click on the music reviews, even if I don't' actually read them. I figure maybe the AV staff will notice the clicks and start to put more effort into audio portion of AV instead of giving us lists of late 90's nostalgia.

Well, I'm not even a proper teacher. I'm just a schmo that teaches lessons and clinics. I guess you could say that I feel the same way about spotify as I do Scott Walker. They both say that their policies benefit everyone, but to me it seems like more "Let's fuck the little people, tell them it's for their own good,

If it were up to me, I think that's what we'd do. But you know, group decisions, democracy, blah blah blah

Well, the musical community is pretty divided. A lot of my friends put their music on it because they feel that's just the climate we're in and you have to keep with the times. I have a few friends that are holdouts and refuse to put their music on it. The thing that everybody agrees on is that nobody is actually

Same in my town (Jackson, MS). For some inexplicable reason, Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols was backstage and did a few songs with The Cult. I mean, why was he there? Was he a roadie? Anyone else see this?

Joke all you want. If it was Telemundo she'd be in a bikini with like, tarantulas falling on her and shit.

Yeah. I can't remember who it was, but I saw a comedian talk about his first meeting with Pryor. Pryor had seen this guy on the Tonight Show, thought he was funny, and invited him over to his house. When he arrives, Pryor is sitting naked between two beautiful naked blondes with "a salad bowl of cocaine" on the table.

Mmmm… baked goods fetishization…. arrgghhh