The Boney King of Nowhere

I quit.

J. Goo, my only defense is that it is always pronounced Far-ve. At least that one time some man said it… that few seconds that I was watching ESPN. Ten years ago.

I fumbled my firstie….

Jay Leno
The Brett Farve of late night TV?

Sorry, Mrs. Sugartits.

I had to read Pride and Prejudice twice in high school and I felt like it was lacking something.

For a second there, I thought you meant Creed from the Office.

I usually go back to Louder than Bombs a week after listening to a new release by Morrissey. It wouldn't be a bad place to start.

I don't really like the 'Still Waiting' ad, but it's way better than the 'How to Lose Friends and Alienate People' one. At least there's a chance to win with one of them.

I was going to say Grover Cleveland.

I think we should trust Sugartits on this one. He seems to have knowledge on the subject.